Thursday, September 04, 2008

It's Feeling Like Spring

I'm 2.5 weeks into Fall training. It was tough to get going again. Fast twitch muscles had to be reactivated, had to get motivated which was tough because nothing motivates me like a 100-miler in the schedule and there's none left in the year. This is the time of the year where my weight starts to creep up again (swings by 10 pounds, heaviest in the Winter, lightest in the Summer), and the time of the year where my training starts to slack.

Well not this year. I'm at my lightest all year, good news for my legs and the break has reinvigorated me. I signed up for my first Fall A race yesterday and I've got one more A race to sign up for, possibly two. I have to consider the third one carefully because it's the following weekend after the second and I'm supposed to be an aid station captain for that race. A couple of things to consider...

I've been working hard and hitting the weights. My problem knee gets a little sore but hasn't been bothering my runs. I just got back from a run and ran my fastest time for that loop ever - 49:42. I ain't ever got that under 50 minutes. I bolted out the door, running up hill and the first thing out of my mouth, like a gasp, was to exclaim "this feels amazing!!!". Finished faster than I started. Maybe it was Psalm 139:13-14 that I have been meditating in my head and the sounds of Crystal Method in my left ear but I ran fast and hard, didn't look at my watch, let my heart dictate the pace and day dreamed of strong, fast Fall racing. If it stays this good I'll be ready to race again in a month. Cross your fingers with me:)

It's feeling like Spring around here, bring on the Fall races!

• Firetrails 50-miler (Signed Up)
• Quad Dipsea (Signing up tomorrow)
• NorthFace 50-miler (Considering...)
Throw in some 50ks for training.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Psalm 139:14
Translation from "The Message" by Eugene Peterson

...Oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out;
you formed me in my mother's womb.
I thank you, High God – you're breathtaking!
Body and Soul, I am marvelously made!....

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Let's test that last line shall we, yet again!


  1. ROFLMAO! YOU of all people are talking about weight?!? Ooohhh boyfriend please ;-)

  2. Wahaha Marcy, I just posted this. You must have one of those programs that tells you when someone updated their blog. I need to get one of those.

    Well I got that from triathlon. Always thinking about lightweight parts and lightweight clothes and lightweight this and losing weight that. On top of that I was also a high school wrestler. Oy, we would drop weight like crazy to wrestle in the lower weight classes. Just tweakin the power to weight ratio is all.

  3. Dood, don't even tell me about the weight swing! I got light in the spring, and then...all back, well, almost all, not surprisingly:) You're riding a high all year, I am so proud of you!

  4. Olga, you know how it is. After all is said and done, we have our runs to come home to. No one can take those away from us. I'm a runner. I run regardless of whatever else is going on.

  5. Anonymous7:26 AM

    fricken rick!
    that last line you slipped in there ahahahaha!

  6. Anonymous7:26 AM

    fricken rick!
    that last line you slipped in there ahahahaha!

  7. Rick,

    Great Post. It is exactly what I needed today. Looks like the Palo Duro Canyon 50 miler is going to happen...a great Texas Trail Race!


  8. Sis: sometimes what you find funny leaves me scratching my head:) But I guess I do the same to you.

    dave: Yeah man, sorry to hear about your Northface Trail 50 getting canceled. Just an unfortunate even all around with that hurricane. I still think you should fly over here and race Firetrails with me haha. But you're right, your first big race should be close to home and that way your wife and family can be there for you too. Maybe you can take this extra time to train your 7 yr. old son to crew.

  9. I love fall Rick. I have butterflies in my stomach with excitement for all of the upcoming races. I know I will blink and they will be over. Sounds like you have some good ones lined up!

  10. Anonymous7:26 PM

    It actually has felt like Spring the past few days, but it certainly isn't because my weight is going down :( I am glad to hear you are feeling lightning fast and ready for some fast "short" races, ha ha. 50 milers and k's are short aren't they?

  11. Running the Quad always appealed I just can't get the travel time off!

  12. I just want to tell you how much I admire you and your tenacity! I predict a highly successful fall running season for you! Every time I hear someone mention the Firetrails 50, I get little pangs of jealousy. I've been telling myself that when I break 3 in the marathon, I am going to reward myself with racing ultras... and hopefully the difficult, challenging ones! God willing!

  13. j~mom: I hope your reverse triathlon went great. Here's to both of us and our Fall schedule.

    rob: I like that, "lightning fast", yes some days are like that to balance out the "dragging my butt" slow days:) 100s puts a lot of things in perspective. 50-milers and k's are short compared to the suffering you go through in a 100 miles.

    slb: Welcome. Yeah if it wasn't a local race for me I doubt I'd make it half the time. It doesn't help that it's Thanksgiving weekend either.

    gb: Thanks GB, you're so nice! Well you're lucky, I don't there's any "easy" ultra's in your part of the Bay. Same on our side:) I hope you break 3 in the marathon so you can come back to doing more ultra's with us. Looks like your training is going great.

  14. Wooah, just by counting the number of exclamation marks you used it's obvious you're in an upbeat mood. Keep it up rick :)
