Monday, June 19, 2006

Batman's Cave

The other day I was all ready to go to buy a piece of gear that I already had. Good thing I remembered before I went. Then another day I was searching for a piece of gear I could've have sworn I bought when really all I did was look at it at a shop. Too much gear!

So I was thinking, I would love a set up like Batman's cave. Bikes and shoes on rotating pedestals lit from underneath, running clothes behind glass cases ready to go, miscellaneous gear hanging on a backlit wall, like weapons ready to go. Most of all it would be great to have butler to pick up after me, clean my stuff and wash everything.

Already my waist pack for WS resembles a utility belt; drink powders, blister pack, camera, salt tablets, back up energy gel, toilet paper, id, chapstick (doubles as chaff prevention), music, batteries, bandana and utility tool.


  1. forget blister kit (as have it), id (your number is it), chapstick (who are you planning to kiss out there?), batteries (better have your crew have extra flashlight at night as - there will be no hand motor function to change bataries), wear bandana over your neck or hand, and what the hell is "utility tool"?

  2. Olga you are killing me with this response. Funny I was just at your blog reading responses.

    chapstick = emergency chaffing tool but also for lips, don't want to be licking my lips during the whole race.

    batteries = for my mp3 player. we can actually outrun batteries. extra lithiums for my new light, my headlamp will compensate while I'm changing batteries. never had a problem with hand motor function.

    utility tool = 3 inch blade to hunt with, no seriously for whatever, like's tiny, the size of nail clippers.

    better think of heat than knife:)

  4. I've been emailing Serena and Jason about the heat reports. Been following all day. This is Jason' response. I think he's happy for me, that dessert rat:) You can feel the love.

    hahahaha, it is going to be toasty in those canyons!!!!!
    - jas
