Friday, December 09, 2005

Holiday Ice Skating

IceSkatingFriends Ice Skating / Hanging out

What's an american christmas holiday without ice skating huh? So there we were last night on the Embarcadero, in front of the new and redesigned Ferry building, ice skating away. It was a church community related event with friends from the other churches joining us. It was also a toy drive, folks either made a monetary contribution or brought toys. It was nice. A beautiful night, no rain and we had our own little tent with coffee and food. Originally I thought I wasn't going to skate but I started to feel scroogish and forked up the bucks for skate rental. It's not that I can't skate I just hate small rinks with skates with dull blades.. .blah blah blah, get in the x'mas spirit Ricky. Well I actually had fun, just like riding a bike.

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